Employee Discount Program

High Desert Chiropractic & Wellness

High Desert Chiropractic & Wellness

15% OFFALL SERVICES MASSAGE THERAPY 15% OFFALL SERVICESMASSAGE THERAPY 15% OFFALL SERVICES MASSAGE THERAPY 15% OFFALL SERVICES massage therapy ALBUOUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT PROGRAM We work to repair and maintain your health as we guide you through a custom approach to overall wellness. Our services include a holistic approach based on sound medical knowledge. We specialize in non-surgical orthopedics, pain management, and physical rehabilitation. We can help reverse the effects of injuries caused by repetitive motion, poor posture, and poor lifting habits. At High Desert Chiropractic and Wellness, we believe in promoting wellness through injury prevention and health maintenance. We specialize in the unique needs of prenatal care, postnatal care, infants and children. Chiropractic is a safe and effective way to allow for an easier, faster labor and delivery. Call to schedule your Chiropractic or Massage Therapy appointment today! www.drkarengenter.com 505-292-2226 5310 Homestead Rd NE Ste 202A Albuquerque, NM 87110